Tuesday, May 31, 2016

How to Create A Facebook Ad for Your Facebook Fan Page Advertising

Create A Facebook Ad for Your Facebook Fan Page Advertising | BONUS Training: http://www.elitemarketinginsider.com When creating a Facebook ad, and more specifically a Like campaign, it's pretty easy. When you begin creating Facebook ads, you only want to create an ad for your fan page with the intention of getting page Likes at a reasonable price. You can create a Facebook ad using Facebooks ad manager When creating the ad copy (text/content), it’s important to include a description of your company, service or product and a call to action (CTA). Naturally, the CTA should be to Like your fan page. Explaining to the user how he or she will benefit from following your Facebook page will get you more clicks to your ad campaign. People want to know how they will benefit from liking your page. In addition to writing secure Facebook ad copy, you must set targeting options when creating Facebook ads for them to be successful. Share video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6G1qC0c

Elite Marketing Pro | An Elite Marketing Pro Back Office Orientation and More

Elite Marketing Pro | An Elite Marketing Pro Back Office Orientation http://www.elitemarketinginsider.com Questions? Text me to schedule a call @ (718) 249-7846 Learn more about EMP: http://davidshawnsanchez.com/emp Here's the great news. The Elite Marketing Pro system has already helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs, and they can help you! So whether you’re looking to launch a new business or product, drive targeted high-quality traffic to your offer, build a list of qualified prospects who are ready to buy, and close more sales. Elite Marketing Pro is for YOU! Through there training their members successfully operate businesses such as: Professional Consulting Affiliate Marketing Information Marketing Brick and Mortar Businesses Network Marketing Companies Direct Sales Share video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3kSFyrayZc